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11 essential questions for designing a policy to price carbon

11 essential questions for designing a policy to price carbon

Full Title: 11 essential questions for designing a policy to price carbon
Author(s): Adele Morris
Publisher(s): The Brookings Institute
Publication Date: July 1, 2016
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

What follows are eleven essential design questions to consider when designing a carbon charge. Each question has several potential answers with their own considerations, pro and con (recognizing that one person’s pro can be another person’s con). To inform your own thoughts on how a price on carbon should work, imagine you are a policymaker and think through how you would address each of the following questions. The goal here is to elucidate at a high level the options for carbon pricing policy design, not to build the case for a carbon price itself or quantify the benefits or costs of specific approaches. The hyperlinks will take you to further reading, but are not necessarily endorsements.

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