Kenneth Zame (Ph.D)
Energy & Environmental Sustainability
Areas of Expertise:
Biofuels, Carbon Capture and Sequestration, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency, Energy Storage, Environment, Environmental Policy, Geothermal, GHGs, Power Sector, R&D, Regulation, Renewables, Smart Grid, Solar, WaterAdditional Areas of Expertise:
Renewable Energy Policy, Water-Energy Nexus, Carbon Sequestration, Energy Policy, Energy Storage. Sustainability and Climate Risk Management, Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Issues, Sustainable Investing.
Kenneth Zame has a Ph. D. in Energy and Environmental Policy, from the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Delaware. He has a BSc. in Chemical Engineering, an MSc. in Environmental Studies, an MBA and, a certificate in Sustainability and Climate Change Risk (SCR). His areas of specialty and experience include sustainability of renewables, renewables and energy efficiency policy analyses, biological sequestration of carbon dioxide using micro-algae, and production of bio-diesel from algal biomass, water-energy nexus, and energy storage. He has a number of publications on renewables deployment, solar PV diffusion, energy-water nexus, energy storage, and smart grids.
Recent Comments by Kenneth Zame (Ph.D)
- "Congressman Tonko,
I believe you are “on point” for climate action. This is because, impacts of climate change are already evident in many regions an"
Principles for National Climate Action - "Changes toward more robust, renewable, and efficient processes of connecting end-users with energy services through efforts at having a smart grid is "
Investing in a Resilient Grid - "Making the grid smart would benefit utility companies and the"
Pricing Grid Resiliency: A Lifeline for Coal and Nuclear? - "Since the portion of renewables in the electric grid is sure to continue to increase, improvements in smart grid designs and storage technologies have"
DOE Grid Study Delayed - "Dan:
The article you referred to at "
Should We Continue Tax Credits for Carbon Capture? - "Geological sequestration of carbon by storing gas phase CO2 or supercritical liquid CO2 in geological fo"
Should We Continue Tax Credits for Carbon Capture? - "Thermoelectric power generation requires large volume of water for cooling the plant and given that water for thermoelectric power generation is the l"
Developing Water/Energy Policies for the Smart City of the Future