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Ash Management Review—Applications of Biomass Bottom Ash

Ash Management Review—Applications of Biomass Bottom Ash

Full Title: Ash Management Review—Applications of Biomass Bottom Ash
Author(s): Adrian K. James, Ronald W. Thring, Steve Helle and Harpuneet S. Ghuman
Publisher(s): Energies
Publication Date: October 1, 2012
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Description (excerpt):

In industrialized countries, it is expected that the future generation of bioenergy  will be from the direct combustion of residues and wastes obtained from biomass.  Bioenergy production using woody biomass is a fast developing application since this fuel  source is considered to be carbon neutral. The harnessing of bioenergy from these sources  produces residue in the form of ash. As the demand for bioenergy production increases, ash  and residue volumes will increase. Major challenges will arise relating to the efficient  management of these byproducts. The primary concerns for ash are its storage, disposal,  use and the presence of unburned carbon. The continual increase in ash volume will result  in decreased ash storage facilities (in cases of limited room for landfill expansion), as well  as increased handling, transporting and spreading costs. The utilization of ash has been the  focus of many studies, hence this review investigates the likely environmental and  technological challenges that increased ash generation may cause. The presence of alkali  metals, alkaline earth metals, chlorine, sulphur and silicon influences the reactivity and  leaching to the inorganic phases which may have significant impacts on soils and the  recycling of soil nutrient. Discussed are some of the existing technologies for the  processing of ash. Unburned carbon present in ash allows for the exploration of using ash  as a fuel. The paper proposes sieve fractionation as a suitable method for the separation of  unburnt carbon present in bottom ash obtained from a fixed-bed combustion system,  followed by the application of the gasification technology to particle sizes of energy  importance. It is hoped that this process will significantly reduce the volume of ash  disposed at landfills.

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