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At Wind Speed: How the U.S. Wind Industry is Rapidly Growing Our Local Economies

At Wind Speed: How the U.S. Wind Industry is Rapidly Growing Our Local Economies

Full Title:  At Wind Speed: How the U.S. Wind Industry is Rapidly Growing Our Local Economies
Author(s):  Hannah Druckenmiller
Publisher(s):  Natural Resources Defense Council
Publication Date: September 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Over the last two decades, the U.S. wind industry has grown dramatically and is providing communities across America with tremendous benefits. More than 50,000 megawatts of wind power—the power equivalent of thirteen Hoover Dams—are installed in the United States. Meanwhile, American companies such as General Electric dominate the global wind turbine industry, and in almost every state are expanding to meet the increasing global demand for wind power. This report shows how wind power is rebuilding individual communities in America, while creating much-needed jobs, reducing pollution that harms our children’s health, and cutting our dependence on dirty and limited fossil fuels.

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