Peter Grossman
Clarence Efroymson Professor of Economics
Butler University
Areas of Expertise:
Biofuels, Energy Economics, Environmental Policy, RegulationAdditional Areas of Expertise:
Political Economy of U.S. Energy Policy
Recent Posts by Peter Grossman
Recent Comments by Peter Grossman
- "Thank you, David Montgomery for returning the discussion to reality—especially with respect to biofuels. Commenters seem to have forgotten the circum"
Increasing U.S. Energy Security and Reducing Greenhouse Gases in the Transportation Sector: Electricity vs. Biofuels - "Not surprisingly to anyone who knows my work, I agree with Lewis. I would only add that results for government RD&D energy programs have been esp"
Government as Innovator: Not so Fast - "Thank you for your comment, but I found much of it very odd. Milton Friedman and his Chicago boys? That was name given to a group of economists who w"
Bipartisan Energy Policy: The Solution or the Problem? - "Mr. Loving:
As I explain in Chapter 6 of my book, U.S. Energy Policy and the Pursuit of Failure (Cambridge U. Press 2013), the Apollo Prog"
Growing Poor Slowly: Why We Must Have Renewable Energy - "Bruce:
Your comments throughout have been thoughtful and gracious, and I'm pleased to participate in a conversation that has the positive tone that"
Growing Poor Slowly: Why We Must Have Renewable Energy - "Lest we forget:
1. "The peak of [U.S.] production will soon be passed—possibly within three years.”
2.“It will take only another 50 years or so to "
Growing Poor Slowly: Why We Must Have Renewable Energy - "For the last 40+ years the holy grail of U.S. energy policy has been a source of energy that was domestic, super-abundant, and cheap. Lately, it also"
Plenty At Stake: Indicators of American Energy Insecurity - "You are welcome to believe what you want to believe, but I could cite numerous instances where the folks in the oil and gas industries were way off th"
Time to Launch a U.S. National Energy Program as a Matter of National Security - "It is dismaying and (to me) disheartening to see all of the erroneous ideas of 1970s, rehashed here in 2014. I would recommend to anyone interested in"
Time to Launch a U.S. National Energy Program as a Matter of National Security - "The idea that taxes are the overwhelming reason why German retail electricity rates are on average three times those in the US seems really a stretch."
The Challenges Of Integrating Renewables On To The Grid