Mike Shatzkin
Founder & CEO
The Idea Logical Company, Inc.
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Book publishing, digital marketing
Recent Posts by Mike Shatzkin
Recent Comments by Mike Shatzkin
- "Yes, I totally agree. The life-cycle waste for wind and solar is almost certainly more destructive and difficult to manage than the waste from nuclear"
Climate Perspectives and The Future of Energy - "Indeed, these are the unmentioned elephants in the room for ALL the aspirational renewables conversations. Calculating the "cost" of wind and solar wi"
Climate Perspectives and The Future of Energy - "In general, they are not taken nearly seriously enough. I thought it was particularly ironic that Shellenberger was making the argument that things ha"
Climate Perspectives and The Future of Energy - "I want to add my voice to those thanking Congressman Deutch for HR 763 and urging its passage. I think it is essential that we have a carbon-pricing m"
Time for a Price on Carbon - "I want to echo the support for carbon-fee-and-dividend for a reason not mentioned. The proposed rates of carbon taxing come nowhere NEAR covering the "
A Framework for The Green Real Deal - "I agree completely that carbon-fee-and-dividend, taxing fossil fuels for the CO2 they will emit when burned and then returning ALL the money in equal "
Principles for National Climate Action - "Any ostensible "solution" to climate change that a) doesn't acknowledge the power and necessity of carbon-fee-and-dividend, or even entertain the idea"
The Green New Deal and Economic Security - "The question of what is "economically sound" arises when owners of nuclear power plants shut them because they can't make money running them. Every ti"
A Realistic Strategy For Climate Change - "I agree with this, but I would add that the ONLY way we will get a sustained and increasing and powerful price signal is if the revenues from taxing c"
A Realistic Strategy For Climate Change - "Almost completely agree with Dan. Except once this concept is implemented, the fee will actually go up faster because the majority will make money on "
After Two Defeats in Washington State, Where Next For A Carbon Tax?