Areas of Expertise:
Clean Energy, Energy Security, Energy Storage, Environment, Environmental Policy, Hydropower, Infrastructure, Power Sector, Renewables, Water, WindAdditional Areas of Expertise:
Climate Change, Energy Security, Energy Storage, Environment, Environmental Policy, Hydropower, Infrastructure, Power Sector, Renewables, Water, Wind
Mr. Nate Sandvig is a seasoned renewable energy project management professional that is currently leading efforts to realize new utility-scale wind power projects and hydroelectric pumped storage projects in the Pacific Northwest. As a founding member of the Northwest Hydropower Association’s (NWHA) Pumped Storage Committee, he recently started a consulting company called Clean Energy LLC to support renewable energy project development, capitalizing on the need for future reliable clean energy to successfully implement the EPA’s Clean Power Plan in de-carbonizing our power system.
Nate’s was most recently at Montgomery Watson Harza (MWH) – a top global consulting engineering company and design firm specializing in wet infrastructure. His role at MWH Global included the development and management of large programs in North America focusing on the modernization and rehabilitation of existing Federal hydropower projects and deteriorating U.S. Army Corps of Engineers inland waterway navigation infrastructure in leveraging the soon to be completed Panama Canal Expansion and this global trade “game-changer.”
Before joining MWH, Nate worked for over 8 years for several renewable energy companies, including EDF Renewable Energy (formerly enXco Development Corporation), EDP Renewables (formerly Horizon Wind Energy) and Noble Environmental Power. During this time he was responsible for managing projects through the developmental process from inception to construction and operation. Nate also led EDF’s pumped storage initiative in the western United States where they are currently developing of the Swan Lake Pumped Storage Project in southern Oregon.
Nate graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1998, served 7 years as an Infantry Officer in the Army (including a tour in Iraq) before being Honorably Discharged as a Captain in 2005. He recently earned a Masters in Project Management from George Washington University and is PMP certified.
Recent Posts by Nate Sandvig
Recent Comments by Nate Sandvig
- "We are here from the government and here to help your free market. Plus, leaves out hydropower and pumped storage. Dismiss for absurdity."
Pricing Grid Resiliency: A Lifeline for Coal and Nuclear? - "Peakers are gas. Gas has 1/2 carbon as coal. Goal is decarbonization cost-effectively and reliably."
Grid Passes Eclipse Test - ""Test"? More like a pop quiz.
Grid Passes Eclipse Test - "Expecting complete rollback of EPA Clean Power Plan with state RPSs and carbon reduction goals driving the clean energy agenda and renewable project d"
What To Expect From Pruitt and Perry on Energy Policy? - "Yes, it is feasible to achieve our carbon and clean energy goals, but we need to get real about integration, the scale of the need and start planning "
Intermittent Renewables Can’t Favorably Transform Grid Electricity - "Nuclear is a baseload resource. Renewables are intermittent and non-dispatchable. California continues to build solar exacerbating the mid-day overs"
Replacing California Nuclear with Renewables - "As a veteran now serving in clean energy, my concern is the staggering a"
Should the Pentagon Rethink its Energy Strategy? - "I appreciate the great discussion.
We Need to Study the Value of Pumped Storage - "Frankly, I'm a little disappointed in Bill Gates vision, particular energy storage. Replacing coal and the natural gas (i.e. the bridge fuel) with wi"
Policies for Today’s Greenhouse Gains and Tomorrow’s Challenges? - "Hydropower is proven, least-cost and a reliable form of renewable clean power. While there is potential to power non-powered dams, the biggest opport"
Could Hydropower Flood America With New Power?