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Climate Change Indicators in the United States, 2014

Climate Change Indicators in the United States, 2014

Full Title:  Climate Change Indicators in the United States, 2014
Author(s): N/A
Publisher(s): United States Environmental Protection Agency
Publication Date: January 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

EPA publishes this report to communicate information about the science and impacts of climate change, assess trends in environmental quality, and inform decision-making. Climate Change Indicators in the United States, 2014, is the third edition of a report first published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2010 and updated in 2012. This report presents 30 indicators to help readers understand observed long-term trends related to the causes and effects of climate change, the significance of these changes, and their possible consequences for people, the environment, and society. Although each indicator has a connection to climate change, this report is not intended to identify the extent to which a certain indicator is driving climate change, nor the relative role of climate change in causing a trend in an observed indicator. Connections between human activities, climate change, and observed indicators are explored in more detail elsewhere in the scientific literature.

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