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Domestic Policies to Reduce the Near-Term Risks of Climate Change

Domestic Policies to Reduce the Near-Term Risks of Climate Change

Full Title: Domestic Policies to Reduce the Near-Term Risks of Climate Change
Author(s): Steve Seidel and John Bachmann
Publisher(s): Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Publication Date: March 1, 2013
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Recent extreme weather events across the nation have sounded the alarm that climate  change is happening here and now–it can no longer be dismissed as a long-term  problem requiring only a long-term solution. Because of their relatively short  atmospheric lifetimes (e.g., weeks to a few decades), cuts in methane, black carbon  and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) will produce significant near-term climate benefits.  This paper sets out a series of cost-effective steps that the Obama Administration can  implement under existing authorities that would deliver substantial near-term  reductions in the rate of climate change. These actions are a critical complement to  ongoing efforts to limit carbon dioxide emissions and represent the only realistic  option for keeping global temperature increases close to the 2 degree target adopted  by the international community.

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