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E15 and Infrastructure

E15 and Infrastructure

Full Title: E15 and Infrastructure
Author(s): K. Moriarty and J. Yanowitz
Publisher(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Publication Date: May 1, 2015
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This paper addresses the compatibility of E15 (15% denatured ethanol, 85% gasoline blendstock) with equipment at refueling stations. Over the last decade, a tremendous amount of work by refueling equipment manufacturers, industry groups, and federal agencies has resulted in a long list of equipment that can be used with E15. This report addresses compatibility through a literature review, a summary of applicable codes and standards, review of equipment manufacturer products, and verification with manufacturers regarding which ethanol blends work with their products. Over time, the refueling equipment manufacturers have improved their sealing materials for compatibility with a wide range of fuels. Upgrading materials in equipment improves consumer safety and reduces the risk of releases to the environment.

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