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Energy Independence and Security: A Reality Check

Energy Independence and Security: A Reality Check

Full Title: Energy Independence and Security: A Reality Check
Author(s): Branko Terzic
Publisher(s): Deloitte
Publication Date: January 1, 2012
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Description (excerpt):

While U.S. energy independence may be  unattainable in the foreseeable future, energy  security is a realistic and achievable goal.

Most proposed national energy policies have shared goals concerning adequate supplies, reliable service and affordability. Every president since Richard Nixon has explicitly called for either “energy independence” or, at least, increased “energy security.”

Policymakers, however, should consider whether energy “independence” is really necessary to achieve these goals, including security. In fact, the answer is probably no. The real issue is not independence from all foreign oil, but reducing oil imports from unfriendly nations, diversifying our supply of energy sources and ensuring that no nation can effectively manipulate markets against our national interests.

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