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Energy Security in the United States

Energy Security in the United States

Full Title: Energy Security in the United States
Author(s): Andrew Stocking and Maureen Costantino
Publisher(s): Congressional Budget Office
Publication Date: May 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

By one measure, energy security is the ability of households and businesses to accommodate  disruptions of supply in energy markets.  The United States is more secure with regard to a  particular energy source if a disruption in the supply of that source creates only limited additional  costs for consumers.

That definition differs from others that are sometimes used—for example, the extent to which the United States can produce the energy it needs from domestic sources or from commodities obtained from friendly countries.

The following fact sheet offers data, infographics and recommendations on issues such as U.S. energy sources and uses, energy prices and volatility, and improving energy security.

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