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Energy Tax Policy: Issues in the 113th Congress

Energy Tax Policy: Issues in the 113th Congress

Full Title: Energy Tax Policy: Issues in the 113th Congress
Author(s): Molly F. Sherlock
Publisher(s): U.S. Congressional Budget Office
Publication Date: September 1, 2013
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The scheduled expiration of a number of energy tax incentives means energy tax policy will likely be considered by the 113th Congress. Under current law, for example, renewable energy projects that begin construction after the end of 2013 will not qualify for the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC). A number of other energy tax incentives, including provisions to support building energy efficiency and renewable fuels, are also scheduled to expire at the end of 2013. In the past, expired and expiring energy tax provisions have been extended as part of “tax extender” legislation.Energy tax policy may also be considered as part of comprehensive tax reform legislation in the 113th Congress. A base-broadening approach to tax reform might consider the elimination of various energy tax expenditures in conjunction with a reduction in overall tax rates. Alternative revenue sources, such as a carbon tax, may also be evaluated as part of the tax reform process.The President’s FY2014 budget proposes a number of changes to energy tax policy. The Obama Administration proposes to repeal a number of existing tax incentives for fossil fuels, while providing new or expanded incentives for alternative and advanced technology vehicles, renewable electricity, energy efficiency, and advanced energy manufacturing.

Energy tax policy involves the use of one of the government’s main fiscal instruments, taxes (both as an incentive and as a disincentive) to alter the allocation or configuration of energy resources and their use. In theory, energy taxes and subsidies, like tax policy instruments in general, are intended either to correct a problem or distortion in the energy markets or to achieve some economic (efficiency, equity, or even macroeconomic) objective. The economic rationale for government intervention in energy markets is commonly based on the government’s perceived ability to correct for market failures. Market failures, such as externalities, principal-agent problems, and informational asymmetries, result in an economically inefficient allocation of resources—in which society does not maximize well-being. To correct for these market failures governments can utilize several policy options, including taxes, subsidies, and regulation, in an effort to achieve policy goals. In practice, energy tax policy in the United States is made in a political setting, determined by fiscal dictates and the views and interests of the key players in this setting, including policymakers, special interest groups, and academic scholars. As a result, enacted tax policy embodies compromises between economic and political goals, which could either mitigate or compound existing distortions.

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