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Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Full Title: Enhanced Geothermal Systems
Author(s): Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Publisher(s): Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Publication Date: October 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The term enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), also known as engineered geothermal systems (formerly hot dry rock geothermal), refers to a variety of engineering techniques used to artificially create hydrothermal resources (underground steam and hot water) that can be used to generate electricity. Traditional geothermal plants exploit naturally occurring hydrothermal reservoirs and are limited by the size and location of such natural reservoirs. EGS reduces these constraints by allowing for the creation of hydrothermal reservoirs in deep, hot geological formations, where energy production had not been economical due to a lack of fluid or permeability. EGS techniques can also extend the lifespan of naturally occurring hydrothermal resources.

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