November 2, 2020 at 12:07 PM

Energy Justice



Energy justice was the topic of OurEnergyPolicy’s October 28, 2020, webinar—focusing on energy affordability for low-income and marginalized communities. One in three American households faces some sort of energy insecurity, such as a challenge affording their energy bills or trouble keeping their home a healthy temperature. Michael Dorsey (Co-Founding Partner, IberSun Solar), Tony Reames (Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and director of the Urban Energy Justice Lab), and Devra Wang (Program Director at the Heising-Simons Foundation)—with moderator Dan Kammen (Professor, UC Berkeley)—discussed these challenges and potential solutions.

Pandemic-specific solutions for energy insecure households could include …

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October 6, 2020 at 11:33 AM

Decarbonization and Reliability



Much effort is being devoted to decarbonizing the energy sector quickly, efficiently, and economically—while still being able to provide affordable and reliable energy. In OurEnergyPolicy’s September 30, 2020, webinar, Paula Gold-Williams (President and CEO of CPS Energy) and Gil Quiniones (President and CEO of the New York Power Authority [NYPA]), gave their perspectives, as heads of two of the largest utilities in the country, on driving decarbonization while not undermining reliability.

Both CPS Energy and NYPA are striving to meet the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050, an objective that is in line with various existing and potential …

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September 8, 2020 at 10:44 AM

Climate Perspectives and The Future of Energy



On Sept 2, 2020, OurEnergyPolicy hosted a webinar with Michael Shellenberger, founder and President of Environmental Progress, about his book Apocalypse Never and his views on how the energy sector can best meet modern challenges. Shellenberger, a long-time environmental activist, said he wrote his book because he was concerned that the conversation about climate change and the environment has become exaggerated and inaccurate. In his view, climate change is a real problem that should, and is being addressed. However, exaggerating its severity leads to negative outcomes, such as people opposing the best and most obvious solutions and imposing restrictions

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August 7, 2020 at 3:05 PM

Free Market Clean Energy Proposals for the Stimulus and Beyond

by: Rod Richardson
Clean Capitalist Leadership Council

For decades, clean energy advocates have argued for policies that specifically boost clean energy and arguably benefit the economy. But things have changed. Basic free-market policies that benefit the entire economy will now especially benefit clean energy and efficiency. Since clean technologies are cost-competitive, a level-playing-field accelerant will grow the market share of clean energy more than it would for fossil fuels and will grow it more quickly than conventional subsidies.

For instance, Wayne Winegarden and I have proposed CoVictory Bonds & Loans (CVBLs—private, tax-exempt debt) as a COVID recession recovery policy that would boost and be very useful

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July 15, 2020 at 4:52 PM

Electrification Nation: Buildings and Energy

by: Ralph DiNola
New Buildings Institute

Residential and commercial buildings are responsible for almost 40% of total carbon emissions in the United States. Policymakers with a focus on climate action are taking notice; they are advancing both policies that reduce emissions from the built environment and that favor electric technologies. 

Momentum to “electrify everything” has taken hold as states and cities like California and Seattle introduce policies to enable beneficial electrification by fuel switching (see chart below). Electrification can help reduce emissions from buildings as we “green” the grid. American member states and jurisdictions of the International Code Council have signaled support for

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