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Fuel for Thought: Fracking and the Natural Gas Boom

Fuel for Thought: Fracking and the Natural Gas Boom

Full Title:  Fuel for Thought: Fracking and the Natural Gas Boom
Author(s):  Catrina Rorke
Publisher(s):  American Action Forum
Publication Date: May 1, 2013
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Description (excerpt):

Natural gas is on the rise. Whereas just a few short years ago, energy companies were investing in terminals to import natural gas, major technological advances have turned a shortfall into a windfall. Domestic output is up and expected to increase over the next 30 years; technically recoverable resources amount to 2,543 trillion cubic feet (tcf), more than a century of supply at current consumption rates. Of the 24 million cubic feet of natural gas consumed in 2011, 95 percent was produced domestically. Production is anticipated to increase 44 percent by 2040 driven almost entirely by dramatic gains in unconventional natural gas production, and set to eclipse consumption.

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