Atlantic Council – The Future of Fusion Technology in the United States

Please join the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center on Friday, November 19 from 2:30 – 3:30 PM ET for a public virtual event featuring US Representative Lori Trahan (D-MA-3). Leaders from the private sector and the federal government will discuss the role of fusion energy in US decarbonization and the pathways to commercialization and deployment.

Fusion technology—the process of harnessing the energy released by fusing hydrogen atoms together—has the potential to be a game-changer in the quest to decarbonize the national economy. Several features contribute to making fusion the ideal candidate to supplement intermittent renewable sources: a virtually unlimited, carbon-free fuel source; minimal safety concerns for the public; and the capacity to provide clean, reliable, baseload power. Technological advances over the past decades have given rise to a burgeoning domestic fusion industry, which aims to achieve break-even energy production within the decade and to have fusion power on the grid by the early 2030s.

Remarks by

The Hon. Lori Trahan
US Representative (D-MA-3)
US House of Representatives

A conversation with

Tyler Ellis
Senior Advisor
Commonwealth Fusion Systems

David Livingston
Senior Advisor
US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

Marco Margheri
Board Director
Atlantic Council

Amy Roma
Hogan Lovells

Moderated by

Julia Nesheiwat
Distinguished Fellow
Atlantic Council Global Energy Center;
US Commissioner
US Arctic Research Commission


Nov 19 2021


2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

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Atlantic Council
Atlantic Council

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