Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms Conference

The Air Quality Research Center is excited to announce the 2024 Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms Conference at the UC Davis Conference Center in December 2024. The Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms Conference highlights research on how to model gas phase photochemical processes relevant to air quality and climate change. This hybrid conference will have presentations in person and live-streamed for those who are unable to attend in-person.

For the past 35 years, photochemical mechanisms have been a critical component of air quality models that are used to 1) predict the concentrations of criteria pollutants such as ozone, NO2, and PM2.5, and 2) develop strategies to decrease the concentrations of these pollutants. Because of their importance in the regulation and reduction of these pollutants, chemical mechanisms must continue to be improved as knowledge of the complex processes that occur in the atmosphere develops. These improvements are necessary to increase the accuracy and efficiency of the model predictions both now and in future atmospheres, and to increase confidence in the appropriateness of control strategies. These improvements will also help extend their scope to other atmospheric pollutants, such as hazardous air pollutants. The focus of this conference is to foster continued research and development of chemical mechanisms. They will also conduct analyses that will address immediate improvements needed in chemical mechanisms.


Dec 04 - 06 2024


All Day

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UC Davis Conference Center
Davis, California


University of California, Davis

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