Community Solar Resources for Multifamily Affordable Housing Providers

As part of an initiative to support Multifamily Affordable Housing (MFAH) providers in their efforts to accelerate deployment of community solar, the National Community Solar Partnership (NCSP) convened a group of MFAH providers from across the United States to understand and address barriers. DOE and project partners the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Urban Ingenuity, and Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future facilitated peer exchange, provided technical assistance, and developed resources to support the sector more broadly. During this one-hour webinar NREL, Urban Ingenuity, and SAHF will introduce these resources. MFAH providers, state and local agencies, and others working to advance equitable access to solar for residents of affordable housing are encouraged to attend.


Aug 25 2022


2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

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National Community Solar Partnership

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