Concentrating Solar Power Seminar Series: Storage and Flow of Bulk Solids
Sandia’s National Solar Thermal Test Facility welcomes Greg Mehos, director of Greg Mehos & Associates LLC, for the next session of the Concentrating Solar Power Seminar Series. “Storage and Flow of Bulk Solids” will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. MST to 11:00 a.m. MST.
When compared to fluids, engineers’ training and education in bulk solids handling is lacking. Perhaps that is why it is often easy to identify which lines or equipment in a chemical plant handle powders — they are the ones with all the hammer marks. This session will discuss common bulk solids handling problems and explain how fundamental properties of a bulk material (i.e., cohesive strength, internal friction, compressibility, wall friction and permeability) are measured.
Other topics will include how to use Andrew Jenike’s fundamental engineering principles to predict powder flow behavior and design reliable powder handling equipment. The session will be hosted by Concentrating Solar Power Program Manager Margaret Gordon.
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