Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials Subcommittee Hearing: “The Fiscal Year 2024 Environmental Protection Agency Budget”
Since President Biden took office, the EPA has been injected with more than $100 billion taxpayer dollars—on top of its annual appropriations funding—emboldening the agency with a 1000 percent increase in its spending. It is imperative that Congress conduct oversight of how that money is being spent and determine if the agency is protecting taxpayer dollars from waste, fraud, and abuse. We are concerned about how the EPA is using these resources to advance President Biden’s so-called climate and reckless rush-to-green agenda, which is harming our energy grid reliability, raising energy costs, limiting our manufacturing capacity, hurting innovation, and making us more dependent on China. We will demand answers from Administrator Regan on what needs to be done to reverse this damage and ensure that the regulatory state does not inhibit increased energy production, expanded domestic manufacturing, or American leadership to improve people’s standard of living while being good stewards to the environment.
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