Hybrid Power Plants: Status of Installed and Proposed Projects

Falling battery prices and the growth of variable renewable generation are driving a surge of interest in “hybrid” power plants that combine, for example, wind or solar generating capacity with co-located batteries. While most of the current interest involves pairing photovoltaic (PV) plants with batteries, other types of hybrid or co-located plants with wide-ranging configurations have been part of the U.S. electricity mix for decades. This one-hour webinar will present data and analysis from a Berkeley Lab briefing that tracks and maps existing hybrid or co-located plants across the United States while also synthesizing data mined from power purchase agreements (PPAs) and generation interconnection queues to shed light on near- and long-term development pipelines. The scope includes co-located hybrid plants that pair two or more generators and/or that pair generation with storage at a single point of interconnection, and also full hybrids that feature co-location and co-control. The focus is on larger, 1 MW+ systems; smaller (often behind-the-meter) projects are also increasingly common, but are not included in this data synthesis.


Aug 18 2021


12:00 PM - 1:00 PM




Berkeley Lab
Berkeley Lab

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