i2X Solution e-Xchange Season 3 Webinar: Introducing the DOE Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection Roadmap
Join us as we kick off Season 3 of the i2X Solution e-Xchange webinar series. We are incredibly happy to announce the release of the DOE Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection Roadmap. This Roadmap identifies solutions to address current challenges in the interconnection of clean energy resources to the distribution and sub-transmission grids. Produced by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (i2X) and published in December 2024, this roadmap provides the diverse group of interconnection stakeholders with strategies to enable interconnection processes to meet the growing demand for renewable energy resources.
Over the course of five meetings, the i2X team will delve into the goal areas and solution sets identified in the roadmap. This kick-off meeting will provide an overview of the roadmap and lay the foundation for our future, deep-dive conversations.
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