Next 10 – 2022 California Green Innovation Index
Join Next 10 and Beacon Economics for a briefing to discuss the findings of the 14th annual California Green Innovation Index, primarily digital for the first time to allow readers to learn and interact with the findings of the report at The briefing will be paneled by F. Noel Perry (Founder) and Stephanie Leonard (Director of Research) from Next 10 and Patrick Adler (Manager of Sustainable Growth and Development) from Beacon Economics.
California’s greenhouse gas emission fell a remarkable 8.7% in 2020 amidst pandemic-induced economic disruptions and travel restrictions. But while the significant drop in emissions has helped the state make progress toward its 2030 climate targets, it masks a rise in pollution from in-state power generation, as stubbornly-slow renewable energy growth threatens California’s transition to carbon neutrality. At the same time, a drop in emissions from the transportation sector for the third-consecutive year could signal a breakthrough in the state’s largest source of climate pollution, if pandemic-era shifts towards hybrid work remain and electric vehicle adoption continues to rise.
The report also analyzed the economic and jobs returns on investment from four of California’s signature climate and clean energy programs, and found that a cumulative $2.76 billion investment in these programs generated $5.35 billion in economic output and created 8,521 jobs—while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The findings should inform California’s budget priorities, as the state pursues strategies to fend off a potential looming recession.
The briefing will discuss findings related to increasing green jobs, transportation developments, challenges posed by wildfires, and new innovations in the clean tech sector. View the key findings, graphs, and more at
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