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Future of Natural Gas in a Deeply Decarbonized World

Future of Natural Gas in a Deeply Decarbonized World

Full Title: Future of Natural Gas in a Deeply Decarbonized World
Author(s): Energy Futures Initiative
Publisher(s): Energy Futures Initiative
Publication Date: June 17, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The Energy Futures Initiative (EFI) is conducting a major study titled The Role of Natural Gas in a Decarbonized World to identify options, develop pathways, and inform policy that directly address these tensions. This report summarizes the discussions of more than 200 experts from research organizations, think tanks, investment firms, and other disciplines to discuss the potential role of natural gas in a low carbon future. The eight regionally-focused workshops led to the cross-cutting and region specific insights described in this report. These and other insights will inform future analyses of global natural gas supply and demand in the context of the technology options, infrastructure and investment requirements, and policies needed to meet both regional development and deep decarbonization needs by midcentury.

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