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Guiding Principles For Utility Programs To Accelerate Transportation Electrification

Guiding Principles For Utility Programs To Accelerate Transportation Electrification

Full Title: Guiding Principles For Utility Programs To Accelerate Transportation Electrification
Author(s): Max Baumhefner
Publisher(s): Natural Resources Defense Council
Publication Date: August 1, 2017
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The electrification of the transportation sector is not only a key pathway by which to meet air quality and climate goals, but also a singular opportunity for the electric industry. The United States spends more than $436 billion annually on gasoline and diesel.1 Diverting a portion of that expenditure to the electric sector can spread the costs of the transmission and distribution grid over more sales, putting downward pressure on the price of electricity while also providing consumers relief from volatile gasoline and diesel prices.

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