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Hydropower Primer: A Handbook of Hydropower Basics

Hydropower Primer: A Handbook of Hydropower Basics

Full Title: Hydropower Primer: A Handbook of Hydropower Basics
Author(s): Office of Energy Projects
Publisher(s): Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Publication Date: April 1, 2017
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This hydropower primer provides an overview of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s role in regulating and overseeing non-federal hydropower generation in the United States. It provides a history of hydropower and describes the role hydropower plays in the nation’s energy mix. The primer explains the different types of hydropower projects and the resources they affect. Further, it discusses the regulations and statutes applicable to the hydropower program. The primer describes the role of the Office of Energy Projects and its three divisions that work together to review hydropower project applications through the various licensing processes, oversee compliance and administration, and ensure dam safety. Finally, it provides an overview of how the public and agencies can interact with the Commission and the outreach opportunities provided by Commission staff.

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