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Key Principles for an Energy Policy that Meets U.S. Environmental and Economic Needs

Key Principles for an Energy Policy that Meets U.S. Environmental and Economic Needs

Full Title: Key Principles for an Energy Policy that Meets U.S. Environmental and Economic Needs
Author(s): Center for American Progress
Publisher(s): Center for American Progress
Publication Date: October 1, 2015
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The energy sector in the United States is experiencing a period of dynamic change. Coal-fired power plants are retiring to make way for cleaner-burning and cheaper natural gas plants. Renewable sources of power, including wind and solar, continue to increase their market share as costs fall. American innovation is delivering new technology and opportunities to enhance the nation’s security and create jobs while reducing pollution. At the same time, the United States and the global community are making commitments to address one of the most urgent challenges facing the planet: climate change.

The United States must adopt a clean energy policy that responds to today’s needs and rises to tomorrow’s challenges. The energy decisions policymakers make today will shape our children and grandchildren’s economic and environmental future.

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