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Leading by Example: Using Information and Communication Technologies to Achieve Federal Sustainability Goals

Leading by Example: Using Information and Communication Technologies to Achieve Federal Sustainability Goals

Full Title: Leading by Example: Using Information and Communication Technologies to Achieve Federal Sustainability Goals
Author(s): Jason Ye, Stephen Seidel
Publisher(s): Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Publication Date: September 1, 2012
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Description (excerpt):

As the nation’s largest landlord, fleet operator, and purchaser of goods and services, the federal government has the opportunity, if not the responsibility, to lead by example in moving our country in a more sustainable direction.

Recent initiatives across the federal government have demonstrated that the expanded use of information and communications technologies (ICT) can spur significant reductions in energy consumption and greenhouse gases, while at the same time achieve substantial cost savings and improve productivity. Recent technological developments have created new energy saving opportunities in the areas of smart buildings, smart transportation, and travel substitution. Additional opportunities exist related to mobility and collaboration tools.

Led by the General Services Administration (GSA) and the Department of Defense (DoD), these government-wide efforts are changing the way federal departments and agencies operate. They represent the intersection of two critically important forces driving agency behavior today. Increasingly stringent budget constraints are pushing agencies to take a hard look at ways they can reduce costs and enhance efficiencies.1 At the same time, new Executive Orders2 and Congressional actions3 are mandating that agencies alter their practices to become more sustainable. These two forces have come together to create new opportunities for the government to change in important ways that produce multiple benefits for individual agencies and for the public they serve.

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