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Mapping the U.S.-Canada Energy Relationship

Mapping the U.S.-Canada Energy Relationship

Full Title: Mapping the U.S.-Canada Energy Relationship
Author(s): Andrew J. Stanley
Publisher(s): Center for Strategic and International Studies
Publication Date: May 1, 2018
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The United States and Canada are each other’s largest energy trading partners as measured by the value of energy commodity trade, which in 2017 stood at U.S.$95 billion. The energy relationship between the two countries extends beyond just the trade of commodities, encompassing a variety of common, though not always identical, economic, security, and environmental priorities. In March 2018, the CSIS Energy and National Security Program undertook a project with the Embassy of Canada in the United States to create a physical map depicting the U.S.-Canada energy trade relationship. The following CSIS brief explains the various aspects of the energy trade relationship using this map, as well as highlights some of the important issues in the development of this partnership moving forward.

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