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Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Projects

Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Projects

Full Title:  Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Projects
Author(s): N/A
Publisher(s): United States Department of Energy
Publication Date: January 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Although the marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) industry is at a relatively early stage of development compared to other renewable energy technologies (such as wind and solar power), the rivers, coasts, and oceans of the United States represent significant potential as a renewable energy resource. The Water Power Program helps industry develop and optimize MHK technologies that can harness this renewable, emissions-free resource to generate environmentally sustainable and cost-effective electricity. Through support for public, private, and nonprofit efforts, the Water Power Program promotes MHK technology development and testing in laboratory and open water settings, while gathering the operational, environmental, and market data needed to accelerate the responsible deployment and commercialization of MHK technologies. The Water Power Program works to assess the potential extractable energy from domestic water resources and to reduce the resources required for siting MHK power projects in order to assist industry and government in planning for the nation’s energy future.

From FY 2008 to FY 2014, the Water Power Program announced awards totaling about $120 million for 88 projects focused on MHK energy.

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