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Middle East Wild Cards and Global Energy Security

Middle East Wild Cards and Global Energy Security

Full Title:  Descending from the Pollution Plateau: Why Carbon Dioxide Emissions are Declining in the Mountain West and How to Keep it that Way
Author(s):  Tommy Steiner
Publisher(s):  Herzliya Conference
Publication Date: August 1, 2012
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Description (excerpt):

The Herzliya Conference convened the first-ever global war-game, simulating a global oil crisis caused by a terrorist attack that crippled the Abqaiq oil facility, which handles more than two-thirds of Saudi oil production. The attack led to the removal of six million barrels of oil per day from the markets during the first three months after the attack. Subsequently, with limited functioning, Saudi Arabia restored only two of the six million barrels of oil per day, thereby causing a global shortage of four million barrels per day for a sustained period with no spare capacity available on the global market.

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