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Natural Gas Prices on Three Continents

Natural Gas Prices on Three Continents

Full Title: Natural Gas Prices on Three Continents
Author(s): Peter Erdos and Mihaly Ormos
Publisher(s): Energies
Publication Date: October 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

We investigate the pricing formation of natural gas markets on three different continents (Europe, Asia and North America). We find that natural gas markets showed a strong relationship with the crude oil market between 1992 and 2001 and natural gas prices tended to thermal parity with crude oil prices. From 2002 natural gas markets exhibited a less pronounced relationship with the crude oil market and major natural gas markets were severely underpriced compared to crude oil. A globally integrated natural gas market, comparable to the global oil market, has not evolved. The main natural gas markets, however, exhibit some level of integration, especially over a longer time. The European market exhibits the strongest levels of integration, while the North American market exhibits the weakest.

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