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New Nuclear Suppliers: Encouraging Responsible Nuclear Supply by China, Republic of Korea, and India

New Nuclear Suppliers: Encouraging Responsible Nuclear Supply by China, Republic of Korea, and India

Full Title:  New Nuclear Suppliers: Encouraging Responsible Nuclear Supply by China, Republic of Korea, and India
Author(s):  Sharon Squassoni, Jacob Uzman
Publisher(s): Center for Strategic and International Studies
Publication Date: December 1, 2013
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Nuclear energy seemed set for revitalization until the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in 2011. The accident that melted the cores of three light water reactors raised questions about the costs and risks of nuclear energy in many countries. Some countries have cancelled procurement, others have shut down reactors, and still others have declared a shift away from a nuclear future.

But the story is not yet over. Many countries still face the trends that made nuclear power attractive in the first place: high population growth, accelerating electricity demand and climate change. This is true particularly across Asia. For countries in Northeast, Southeast and South Asia, nuclear power plant construction may proceed more slowly than initially planned, but is likely to move forward.

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