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Nuclear Waste Management: Minimum Requirements for Reforms and Legislation

Nuclear Waste Management: Minimum Requirements for Reforms and Legislation

Full Title: Nuclear Waste Management: Minimum Requirements for Reforms and Legislation
Author(s): Jack Spencer
Publisher(s): The Heritage Foundation
Publication Date: March 1, 2013
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Senator Ron Wyden (D–OR), chairman of the  U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural  Resources, is expected to put forth a bill to reform  nuclear waste management in the U.S. According to  media reports, the bill under consideration maintains the same basic structure of America’s current,  failed system for waste management.

While such a bill might meet some near-term  interests of the federal government and the nuclear  utilities, it would make implementing the reforms  necessary to fix nuclear waste policy over the long-term almost impossible. Completely privatizing the  current system overnight may not be practical, but instituting a reform effort that transitions from a government-run approach to one driven more by  market forces and corporate responsibility can be  achieved. Indeed, the following criteria would do  just that and should be the minimum requirements for any nuclear waste management reform effort to move forward.

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