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On Track: How States Fund and Support Public Transportation

On Track: How States Fund and Support Public Transportation

Full Title: On Track: How States Fund and Support Public Transportation
Author(s): Kevin Pula, Douglas Shinkle, and Jaime Rall
Publisher(s): National Conference of State Legislatures
Publication Date: June 1, 2015
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The role states and particularly state legislatures play in supporting and funding public transportation typically is not a well-understood dynamic. This report highlights the many successful state efforts to provide high-quality transit options, with an emphasis on state legislative actions. Many states use common funding sources to support transit: motor fuel taxes, state transportation funds, general funds, and automobile-related fees or taxes. Many states are taking further steps to create alternative funding and finance mechanisms for public transportation. While the most common state-level support for public transportation comes in the form of funding, other types of program support exist. State actions are organized into five categories in this report: Organizational/Structural, Funding, Finance, Polices and State/Local Nexus. Throughout the report, specific state programs and initiatives are examined in detail to explore traditional, innovative and emerging methods of state support for public transportation.

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