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Post-Partisan Power

Post-Partisan Power

Full Title:  Post-Partisan Power: How a limited and direct approach to energy innovation can deliver clean, cheap energy, economic productivity and national prosperity
Author(s): S. Hayward, M. Muro, T. Nordhaus, M. Shellenberger
Publisher(s): Brookings Institution, Breakthrough Institute
Publication Date: October 1, 2010
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This white paper is the product of a more than yearlong dialogue between scholars from three diverse think tanks. Drawing on America’s bipartisan history of successful federal investment to catalyze technology innovation by the U.S. military, universities, private corporations, and entrepreneurs, the heart of this proposal is a $25 billion per year investment channeled through a reformed energy innovation system.

This new system is built on a four-part energy framework:

1. Invest in Energy Science and Education

2. Overhaul the Energy Innovation System

3. Reform Energy Subsidies and Use Military Procurement and Competitive Deployment to Drive Innovation and Price Declines

4. Internalize the Cost of Energy Modernization and Ensure Investments Do Not Add to the National Debt

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