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Powering Up Against Poverty: Why Renewable Energy is the Future

Powering Up Against Poverty: Why Renewable Energy is the Future

Full Title: Powering Up Against Poverty: Why Renewable Energy is the Future
Author(s): Oxfam Australia
Publisher(s): Oxfam Australia
Publication Date: July 1, 2015
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

As we approach the critical climate talks in Paris later this year, there are some good reasons to feel hopeful and upbeat. From the tiniest nations of the Pacific to a giant like China, developing countries are demonstrating that reducing poverty and tackling climate change can, and indeed must, go hand in hand. More and more countries are leapfrogging the polluting technologies of the past and harnessing the power of renewable energy. By doing this, they’re meeting the twin goals of increasing energy access and avoiding future emissions. From India’s plans to install a whopping 100GW of solar energy by 2022 (that’s more than twenty times Australia’s current capacity) to the Marshall Islands’ pledge to achieve zero emissions by mid century, if not earlier. Through international support and cooperation, developing countries are building the renewable energy economies of the future.

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