The lack of alternative energy sources to fuel our vehicles and replace expensive oil, jeopardizes U.S. national security, forces Americans to pay more at the pump, and greatly represses our ability to reduce pollution and address climate change concerns. In my state of California, 74% of all emissions – including CO2, toxic pollutants, ozone forming emissions and more – come from petroleum. Oil accounts for 65% of California’s GHG emissions, compared to 33% from natural gas, and less than 2% from coal. Meanwhile, each year, the U.S. spends more than $600 billion to buy oil and oil products, which is six times more than we spend on any other energy source.
Increased fuel efficiency, which under the new CAFE standard will roll into the market over the next 3 decades, is a great start in reducing total oil consumption. However, the question is, can we do more? And, how can we speed up the transition away from oil? Popular ideas are not effective solutions to our oil addiction on the short term. Here they are, and let me explain why:
- Public transportation – America’s urban sprawl and massive expanse of open land between the coasts means public transportation will only be a partial solution in large metropolitan areas.
- Taxation – Trying to motivate people away from oil through price structures hasn’t worked. Despite a 400% increase in the price of oil since 1997, oil consumption has gone up more than 20%. Furthermore, taxing oil is an incredibly regressive measure, which increases poverty.
- Electrification – Electric cars are a great new innovation. However, mass adoption is decades away. If we grow the number of electric cars by 33% every year (an optimistic assumption), in a decade, no more than 4-5% of the total fleet will be electric.
The last alternative to our oil addiction is switching to alcohol fuels. They can work with existing cars on the road today and offer tremendous environmental benefits:
- Dissolve in water, biodegradable
- Smaller molecules, reduce smog
- Replace toluene, an aromatic neurotoxin that makes up 25-35% of the content of gasoline
- High octane means even higher efficiency engines
- Fewer greenhouse gas emissions
- Can be made from a multitude of renewables sources
The two biggest objections to alcohol fuels is the food vs fuel debate, and, to the extent alcohol fuels will be made from natural gas, the issue becomes the environmental impact of fracking.
In my TEDx talk, I demonstrated that both corn prices and food prices are indexed to the price of oil. When oil price rises, the price of all energy byproducts rise including ethanol, corn and food. Competition with alcohol fuel at the pump can lower the price of oil, and with it lower the price of ethanol, corn and food.
It’s crucial to consider the potential impact that alcohol and drug addiction can have on individuals and society as a whole. Like the food vs fuel debate and the environmental impact of alcohol fuels, addiction can cause various issues, including financial strain, legal problems, and health complications. Seeking professional help at an LA drug rehab can provide the necessary resources and support to overcome addiction and lead a healthy, fulfilling life. It’s essential to address addiction head-on and understand its impact to mitigate its negative effects.
When it comes to fracking, 90% of all new oil wells in the US are drilled for fracking. This means that fracking is no longer a natural gas only phenomenon. If we decide to do nothing, we are sticking with oil (even in high efficiency cars). And if we stick only with oil we are in fact supporting fracking.
So what are we waiting for?
Q: Are alcohol fuels a viable transportation fuel and the best way to address U.S. dependence on oil? What are the challenges to opening up the transportation fuel market?
What about algae fuels? I think the great thing about algae is it can be “grown” on land that is not suitable for growing food on. From what I have… Read more »
Sid, Algae is a feedstock not a fuel. You can make gasoline/diesel with algae but it seems to be pretty hard hence expensive. However, making alcohol for algae is arguably… Read more »
Algae oil IS a fuel, not a feedstock. It is either made using sunlight (photosynthesis) and CO2 from the air or other sources, or it is made from sugar (Solazyme’s… Read more »
The most efficient use of alcohol fuel is to use the 40% alcohol that comes off of the first distillation. This saves the distillation process from needing outside fuel. It… Read more »
A good lay out of option and issues in the article. CAFE is important and has the most impact over the longer term in reducing energy inputs per mile. AS… Read more »
Regarding taxation, the right way to do it is Fee and Dividend, where a rising price is put on the carbon content of fossil fuels. The fee is paid by… Read more »
Walk me through that. So lets say that the cost of oil production goes up by say 20%. The oil companies will no longer be able to produce marginal oil… Read more »
A few points: First, the Fee and Dividend (F&D) policy starts off with a very lower fee (say, $10/ton) but the future price signal is clear. So power plant planners… Read more »
Regarding electric vehicles, as soon as new battery technology reduces the cost of energy storage, they will take over the market very quickly. Except for range and initial cost (currently),… Read more »
@Dan Milller Hi Dan, I would like to comment on your two comments: Algae oil: You say that “but the problem is that transportation fuel is about the cheapest product… Read more »
Eyal: Regarding algae oil, I meant the problem is that producers don’t have incentives to make transportation fuel because other productions they can make can be sold for higher prices.… Read more »
At, I hope that the National Energy Policy Recommendations (NEPR) are still as excellent as they were when last I saw them (and helped write them.) I am proud… Read more »
Some simple facts of chemistry, agriculture, and energy explain how ethanol as motor fuel is an ill-conceived policy that is doing harm to US infrastructure and the economy. Ethanol increases… Read more »
Thank you Captain Kiefer for your contribution and your service to the country. First I would like to say that my talk does not support increasing the alcohol content of… Read more »
So many false claims, whether by ignorance or intent. 1. Sorry, but corrosive is corrosive. Why isn’t ethanol processed within the refinery? Why isn’t ethanol pumped in petroleum pipelines? You… Read more »
1. Sorry, but corrosive is corrosive. Why isn’t ethanol processed within the refinery? Why isn’t ethanol pumped in petroleum pipelines? You are arguing with the US government’s research and the… Read more »
I am completely in favor of American’s having a choice at the pump. One of their choices should be straight gasoline with no alcohol in it. Offer every American that… Read more »