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Report to the Secretary of the Interior: Review of Shell’s 2012 Alaska Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration Program

Report to the Secretary of the Interior: Review of Shell’s 2012 Alaska Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration Program

Full Title: Report to the Secretary of the Interior: Review of Shell's 2012 Alaska Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration Program
Author(s): U.S. Department of the Interior
Publisher(s): U.S. Department of the Interior
Publication Date: March 1, 2013
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This review has identified seven key principles and prerequisites for safe and responsible  offshore exploration drilling in the Alaskan Arctic – five applying to industry and two relevant to  government oversight.  As discussed in detail in this report, in 2012 Shell fell short of  successfully addressing all but the last of these principles.

  1. All phases of an offshore Arctic program – including preparations, drilling, maritime and emergency response operations – must be integrated and subject to strong operator management and government oversight.
  2. Arctic offshore operations must be well-planned, fully ready and have clear objectives in advance of the drilling season.
  3. Operators must maintain strong, direct management and oversight of their contractors.
  4. Operators must understand and plan for the variability and challenges of Alaskan conditions.
  5. Respect for and coordination with local communities.

This report also defines important principles for government oversight of offshore drilling  activity in the Arctic that must be carried forward and further developed.  These include, in  particular, (1) the importance of continued close coordination among government agencies in the  permitting and oversight process, and (2) the need to continue to develop and refine standards  and practices that are specific to the unique and challenging conditions associated with offshore  oil and gas exploration on the Alaskan OCS.

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