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A New Approach in Oregon’s Greenhouse Gas Initiative

A New Approach in Oregon’s Greenhouse Gas Initiative

Full Title: A New Approach in Oregon’s Greenhouse Gas Initiative
Author(s): Dallas Burtraw
Publisher(s): Resources for the Future
Publication Date: January 28, 2020
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The Oregon Legislative Assembly is again considering the introduction of a price on carbon emissions as an element of an economy-wide initiative aimed at achieving the state’s climate goals of achieving a 45 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels by 2035, and 80 percent by 2050. Carbon pricing would begin in 2022. An important portion of carbon revenues will be directed to investments to help the state achieve these goals. The proposal will be considered during the state’s legislative session, which this year is a short (35 day) session that begins February 3. If the proposal is enacted, the state would be the fourth jurisdiction in the world to implement comprehensive carbon pricing, joining California, Canada and Germany.

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