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A Proactive Environmental Policy Agenda for Congress and the Administration

A Proactive Environmental Policy Agenda for Congress and the Administration

Full Title: A Proactive Environmental Policy Agenda for Congress and the Administration
Author(s): Daren Bakst, Katie Tubb
Publisher(s): The Heritage Foundation
Publication Date: November 2, 2020
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Americans want a clean and safe environment. This is a shared value regardless of ideology, however, addressing environmental challenges is often filled with disagreement. This backgrounder details a proactive environmental policy agenda for Congress and the Administration, with specific recommendations covering air, water, land and wildlife, and science and transparency. The recommendations are informed by many important principles, including a respect for private property rights and the primary role of states in environmental protection. They further recognize that economic freedom and innovation are critical to successful environmental outcomes. This agenda rejects policies that force Americans to choose between a clean environment and economic growth, individual freedom, and federalism as a false choice. Most important, the recommendations never lose sight of the fact that humans are the most important, unique, and precious natural resource.

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