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Advancements in Coordinated Transmission Approaches

Advancements in Coordinated Transmission Approaches

Full Title: Advancements in Coordinated Transmission Approaches
Author(s): Brandon Burke, John Dalton
Publisher(s): The Business Network for Offshore Wind
Publication Date: May 12, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The Briefing provides updates to the Network’s 2020 Transmission White Paper and offers immediate and long-term recommendations for strategic actions that policymakers should take to ensure the U.S.  deploys 30 GW of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030.

The Network released this Briefing  just one day after the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s issued the Record of Decision for Vineyard Wind, the first major offshore wind project in U.S. waters and a historic day for clean energy in America. Overall, the Biden Administration is making significant progress on both offshore wind and broader grid expansion and modernization. The industry is seen as a keystone industry to transform the country’s energy grid but will require an immense transformation – both in the short and long-term – in order to ensure homes, businesses, and cities can access offshore wind energy.

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