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Assessing The Viability Of Hydrogen Proposals: Considerations For State Utility Regulators And Policymakers

Assessing The Viability Of Hydrogen Proposals: Considerations For State Utility Regulators And Policymakers

Full Title: Assessing The Viability Of Hydrogen Proposals: Considerations For State Utility Regulators And Policymakers
Author(s): Sara Baldwin, Dan Esposito, Hadley Tallackson
Publisher(s): Energy Innovation
Publication Date: March 28, 2022
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Natural gas and electric utilities across the United States are increasingly pursuing pilot projects to blend hydrogen with natural gas for various end-uses, including as a heating fuel in buildings or for power generation. However research shows these projects would increase consumer costs, exacerbate air pollution, and cause safety risks while minimally reducing greenhouse gases. By comparison, electrification is a proven, low-cost alternative that poses no safety or health risks and can rapidly cut building emissions. And in the power sector, increasing renewable electricity is a much more efficient clean energy pathway. State utility regulators and policymakers should require a high burden of proof from utilities to demonstrate the scalability, cost-effectiveness, and environmental justice impacts of any hydrogen proposal.

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