Full Title: Battery Storage for Fossil-Fueled Peaker Plant Replacement: A Maine Case Study
Author(s): Todd Olinsky-Paul, Olivia Tym, Sergio Dueñas, Eliasid Animas, and Jaide Lin
Publisher(s): Clean Energy States Alliance
Publication Date: April 11, 2024
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Description (excerpt):
Across the country, more than a thousand fossil fuel burning peaker power plants sit idle, waiting to be called upon by electricity grid operators. These plants are designed to fire up quickly in response to regional demand spikes. While this serves a critical need, fossil-fueled peaker plants are highly polluting and expensive, and are disproportionately sited in low-income communities, communities of color, and areas already overburdened by pollution.
This analysis, conducted by Strategen for the Clean Energy States Alliance, demonstrates that batteries can cost effectively replace aging fossil-fueled peakers. The analysis is focused on Maine, where the Governor’s Energy Office is currently engaged in designing a 200-MW energy storage procurement process. But the results, which are largely based on regional energy capacity market revenue opportunities, are applicable throughout New England, and should help to inform peaker replacement initiatives in other regions as well.