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Battery Storage in the United States: An Update on Market Trends

Battery Storage in the United States: An Update on Market Trends

Full Title: Battery Storage in the United States: An Update on Market Trends
Author(s): U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Publisher(s): U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Publication Date: August 16, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Electric power markets in the United States are undergoing significant structural change that we believe, based on planning data we collect, will result in the installation of the ability of largescale battery storage to contribute 10,000 megawatts to the grid between 2021 and 202310 times the capacity in 2019.

Energy storage plays a pivotal role in enabling power grids to function with more flexibility and resilience. In this report, we provide data on trends in battery storage capacity installations in the United States through 2019, including information on installation size, type, location, applications, costs, and market and policy drivers. The report then briefly describes other types of energy storage.

This report focuses on data from EIA survey respondents and does not attempt to provide rigorous economic or scenario analysis of the reasons for, or impacts of, the growth in largescale battery storage.

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