Full Title: Beyond Energy – Monetising Biomethane’s Whole-System Benefits
Author(s): Sacha Alberici, David Gräf and Magali Aurand
Publisher(s): Guidehouse and European Biogas Association
Publication Date: February 13, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
The future energy mix will be dominated by renewable energy sources. Together with wind and solar, renewable gases such as biomethane and renewable hydrogen will play a pivotal role in delivering Europe’s long-term energy security and climate mitigation objectives.
Biomethane is the cheapest and most scalable form of renewable gas available today. It can directly substitute natural gas and is flexible as it can be readily stored and deployed across the whole energy system, using existing gas infrastructure and end-use technologies. Moreover, biomethane is a dispatchable energy carrier and as such can be deployed to balance intermittent renewable energy generation. It is well placed to deliver significant, long-term economy-wide benefits beyond renewable energy provision, thereby supporting the European Green Deal and the transition to a more sustainable and circular economy.