Full Title: Blueprint 2030: An All-In Climate Strategy for Faster, More Durable Emissions Reductions
Author(s): K. Kennedy, W. Jaglom, N. Hultman, E. Bridgwater, R. Mendell, H. Leslie-Bole, L. Rowland, E. McGlynn, T. Massey-Green, T. Cyrs, L. Clarke, H. McJeon, A. Zhao, J. O’Neill, R. Gasper, J. Feldmann, K. O'Keefe, S. Kennedy, J. Zhao, H. Kazanecki
Publisher(s): America is All In
Publication Date: September 20, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlights the dire consequences of climate change and the dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions urgently required to limit global warming to 1.5 °C. President Biden’s commitment to reduce U.S. emissions 50–52 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 represents major progress compared with previous U.S. goals. But considering the new IPCC report, it is vital to recognize that the 50–52 percent goal is only a down-payment that should be accelerated as soon as possible so that the U.S. and other industrial nations achieve net-zero climate emissions well before 2050. Indeed, climate security demands that we do everything possible to exceed the 2030 goal and strengthen ambition before 2030 as new opportunities emerge and scale. While challenging, continuing to accelerate progress is not only feasible but has been demonstrated through actions taken across the economy and by all levels of government.
This report provides a blueprint for an all-in, whole-of-society approach to climate change mitigation that combines the unique power and strengths of each part of society to give us the best chance for the rapid, durable, transformative change needed to cut emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 and set the stage for a fully decarbonized economy well in advance of mid-century.