Full Title: California’s Blueprint to Leverage Green Ammonia Production as a Key Decarbonization Tool: Understanding the Market and Policy Landscape to Accelerate Progress
Author(s): Green Hydrogen Coalition
Publisher(s): Green Hydrogen Coalition
Publication Date: April 1, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
In recognition of the reality that California will need a broad portfolio of renewable resources to reach its decarbonization goals, experts and policymakers worldwide and within California are looking to renewable hydrogen to complement electrification since it can provide an alternative pathway to decarbonization for these hard-to-abate sectors. Hydrogen – which is the most abundant element in the universe – can be used for energy storage and load balancing, as a feedstock, and as a fuel across the transportation, industrial, agricultural, and power sectors. Interest in renewable hydrogen has only increased in the U.S. since the federal government passed two landmark laws – the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) – which together have enabled $479 billion in new climate and energy spending. Near-term opportunities building on these laws are driving swift action from the private and public sectors alike, including the $8 billion Department of Energy (DOE) funding opportunity for regional clean hydrogen hubs that selected seven hydrogen hubs across the country. One of these selected hubs is the California Hydrogen Hub, led by the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES).