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Can AI Help Build & Optimize a Truly Smart Grid?

Can AI Help Build & Optimize a Truly Smart Grid?

Full Title: Can AI Help Build & Optimize a Truly Smart Grid?
Author(s): Veritone
Publisher(s): Veritone
Publication Date: January 11, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The world faces serious energy challenges, ranging from simple power outages to the greater crisis of extreme weather conditions
brought on by the effects of climate change. Decarbonizing the grid and investing more in renewable technologies like solar, wind, and electric vehicles is key to combating these negative impacts on the environment.

However, the current infrastructure is not equipped to handle these new green resources at the scale that local, state, and federal governments demand. Any addition of renewable energy sources in fact has a negative impact on making the grid reliable and less prone to outages.

Managing different renewable energy sources and turning data into actionable intelligence stands in the way of achieving a sustainable energy grid. Too complex for humans to monitor alone, artificial intelligence can help manage this greater grid complexity to ensure efficient and consistent delivery of energy at a cheaper cost.

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